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Fried Bread Sticks – Dau Chao Quay

Fried bread stick is a classic Asian street snack, especially in Vietnam and China, often served as a tasty breakfast or light meal. It’s essentially fried bread sticks that are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

In Vietnam, these fried bread sticks are commonly referred to as Quẩy or Giò Cháo Quẩy, and they are typically enjoyed as a snack or served alongside dishes such as Phở or Bánh Canh. 

In China, these fried bread sticks take on a different name and are known as Youtiao. The Youtiao are often served as a traditional Chinese breakfast, paired with warm, sweetened soy milk. This culinary duo creates an enchanting combination of flavors and textures – the crunchy and savory Youtiao dipped into the sweet and creamy soy milk is a harmony of taste sensations, making it a favorite among locals and tourists alike.

When you bite into it, the crunchy outer shell gives way to a soft, airy inside that will make your taste buds rejoice. And the best part is that you can enjoy it with various dipping sauces to customize the flavor to your liking.

Dau Chao Quay is like a delectable treat – it’s savory yet sweet and pairs perfectly with any beverage of choice. Plus, it’s easy to make and much loved by young and old alike. So why not try it and experience the delights of this amazing snack? 

Ingredients for Making Fried Bread Sticks 

To make this delectable treat, you will need:

  • 1 tsp of yeast
  • 170ml warm water (about 40°C – 45°C)
  • 1 tsp of sugar
  • 1 tsp of baking powder
  • 200g of flour
  • 1/2 tsp of salt
  • 1tsp of oil
  • oil for deep fry

Preparing the Dough for Fried Bread Sticks 

Here are the steps to prepare the dough for Dau Chao Quay:

Mixing the ingredients

  • Activate the yeast. Add the sugar and yeast to the warm water. Stir well for a few minutes. Make sure the water is not too hot as it can kill the yeast, nor too cold as it won’t activate the yeast. The water should feel slightly warm to the touch.
  • Mix the dry ingredients. Add the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl and mix until everything is combined.
  • Pour in the yeast mixture and oil. Carefully add in the yeast mixture and oil to the dry ingredients, stirring with a spoon or wooden spatula as you go. You can also use your hands to knead it all together until it forms a slightly sticky dough.
  • Knead the dough until it’s smooth and elastic. Kneading will help to develop the gluten in the flour, resulting in a better texture for the fried bread sticks.

Let the Dough Rest

  • Once you’re done kneading, let the dough rest. Transfer the dough to another bowl that has been lightly coated with cooking oil. Cover the bowl tightly with cling wrap and allow the dough to rest in the refrigerator overnight. This resting period of approximately 12-24 hours allows the yeast to ferment, thereby enhancing the flavor and texture of the bread sticks.
  • After allowing the dough to rest, dust a flat surface that you will use for kneading with a thin layer of flour. This process prevents the dough from sticking during the rolling process. Then, remove the dough from the refrigerator.

Rolling, Folding and Rolling Again

  • Next, it’s time to roll out the dough. Spread the dough across your floured surface and roll it out until it’s thin. Once your dough is thinly rolled, fold it back onto itself and then roll it out again. Repeat this process a few times. The goal is to end up with a piece of dough that’s about 0.7cm-1cm thick. 

Cutting and Stacking the Dough for Fried Bread Sticks

  • Now, it’s time to cut the dough. Using a sharp knife, slice the dough into even strips. Each strip should be about an inch wide, ensuring that your fried bread sticks will be a uniform size. The length of the strips doesn’t matter much, but it is important that they fit into your frying pan. 
  • Stack the dough. Arrange two strips of dough on top of each other. To ensure the two dough pieces stick together, lightly brush a thin layer of water on one side of the dough strip before placing the other strip on top. 
  • Press down the center of the stacked strips with a chopstick to create a line. This will help the strips of dough stick together during the frying process, but still allow them to separate easily when eaten. Repeat this process with the remaining dough strips.

Frying the Bread Sticks

  • Heat the oil. Fill a frying pan or deep fryer with oil, ensuring it’s deep enough to fully submerge the bread sticks. Heat the oil over medium heat until it’s hot.
  • Fry the dough. Once the oil is hot, carefully add the dough strips into the pan or deep fryer. It’s best to fry only a few at a time to prevent overcrowding and to ensure even frying. 
  • Stir regularly. As the bread sticks fry, gently turn them over periodically to promote even browning and to prevent them from sticking together. Continue frying until the bread sticks puff up and turn golden brown.
  • Once the bread sticks are golden and crispy, they’re done. Using a slotted spoon, remove the bread sticks from the oil, allowing any excess oil to drip off. Place them on a paper towel-lined plate to absorb any remaining oil.

And there you have it – your homemade Dau Chao Quay, deliciously golden and crispy on the outside with a soft and airy interior.

A Few Things to Note

While making Dau Chao Quay is not overly complicated, there are a few key points to keep in mind to ensure a successful result:

  • The temperature of the water used to activate the yeast is vital. It should be warm, between 40°C – 45°C. If it’s too hot, it might kill the yeast, and if too cold, it won’t activate the yeast. 
  • While kneading, if you notice that your dough is too dry or too wet, don’t panic! There is a simple solution. For a dough that’s too dry, gradually add in a bit more water, one tablespoon at a time, while continuing to knead. If the dough is too wet or sticky, do the same with flour – add it bit by bit, one tablespoon at a time. 
  • Letting the dough rest overnight in the refrigerator allows the yeast to ferment, enhancing the flavor and texture of the bread sticks. Don’t shortcut this step.
  • The formed dough should be fried as soon as possible because leaving it at room temperature for too long can result in a tougher texture.
  • During the dough rolling process before frying, uneven stretching can result in breadsticks with a ‘skinny body and fat ends’. This unevenness in the final product is not only aesthetically unpleasing but may affect the proper frying of the breadsticks as well. Therefore, it’s crucial to pay attention to the evenness of the dough’s thickness throughout the entire rolling process.
  • The oil’s temperature is crucial when frying the bread sticks. If the oil is too hot, the bread sticks may become crispy before they can properly puff up, resulting in a chewy texture. On the other hand, if the oil is not hot enough, the bread sticks may absorb too much oil and not puff up evenly.
  • Be careful not to overcrowd the pan when frying, as this can lower the oil’s temperature and result in soggy, undercooked bread sticks. 

By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to creating delicious, authentic Dau Chao Quay right in your own kitchen. 

Serving Suggestions for Dau Chao Quay

Dau Chao Quay is incredibly versatile and can be paired with various dishes to enhance your meal. 

  • Pho Soup: This traditional Vietnamese noodle soup becomes even more heartwarming when you dunk these crispy bread sticks into the rich, flavorful broth. The bread sticks soak up the soup and add a delightful crunch to your dish.
  • Vietnamese Thick Noodle Soup: Savory and hearty, a bowl of Vietnamese thick noodle soup, also known as Banh Canh, is a perfect companion for Dau Chao Quay. The robust nature of the soup pairs wonderfully with the crispy texture of the bread sticks. Dunk the Dau Chao Quay into the soup, letting it absorb the flavors before taking a bite for a truly indulgent experience.
  • Congee: A comforting bowl of congee (rice porridge) pairs beautifully with Dau Chao Quay. Just like with the Pho soup, the bread sticks soak up the congee and provide a satisfying contrast in texture.
  • Dipping Sauce: Another great way to enjoy these bread sticks is to dip them in sauces. They go well with a variety of sauces such as sweet and sour sauce, chili sauce, or even a simple soy sauce.
  • Coffee or Tea: In Vietnam, it’s common to dip Dau Chao Quay into a cup of strong black coffee or tea. The bitterness of the coffee or tea coupled with the savory bread sticks create a unique taste experience.

Remember, these are just a few suggestions. Feel free to experiment with your own favorite combinations. 

Storing and Reheating Leftover Dau Chao Quay

Storing leftover Dau Chao Quay properly ensures that you can enjoy them for a longer period. Here’s how to do it:

  • Allow the Dau Chao Quay to cool completely. Never store them while they’re still hot as this can result in sogginess.
  • Once cooled, place them in an airtight container or a ziplock bag. Try to remove as much air as possible before sealing it.
  • Store the container in a cool, dry place or in the refrigerator. They can last for 2-3 days at room temperature, or up to a week in the refrigerator. 

For longer storage, Dau Chao Quay can be frozen. Just place them in freezer-safe bags or containers and store in the freezer. They can last for up to 2 months when frozen.

When you’re ready to enjoy your leftover Dau Chao Quay, you’ll want to reheat them to regain their original texture. If they’re kept at room temperature or in the refrigerator, you can reheat them in the oven at 350°F (175°C) for about 7 minutes, or until they’re crispy again. If they’re frozen, let them thaw at room temperature before reheating in the oven. You can also reheat them in a toaster oven or an air fryer.


Making Dau Chao Quay at home is easy and surprisingly satisfying. With a few simple tips, you can create these delightful Vietnamese bread sticks in the comfort of your own kitchen. Enjoy them with your favorite meal or as a snack with coffee or tea – there’s no wrong way to eat them! 

No matter how you enjoy Dau Chao Quay, one thing’s for sure – it’ll definitely leave an impression! Whether you’re looking for a quick bite or want to make something special for your family, there’s no denying that this delicious street snack will hit the spot. So go ahead and give it a try – your taste buds won’t regret it! 


What Is Vietnamese Crullers Quẩy?

Vietnamese crullers, or quẩy, is a type of fried bread stick that is a popular street food snack in Vietnam. In Mandarin, it’s referred to as “youtiao”. They are also commonly called “Chinese crullers” or “doughnuts,” despite not being sweet. These elongated, golden-brown snacks are light and crispy, with a somewhat hollow interior. 

What Is A Chinese Donut Called?

A Chinese donut is referred to as a “youtiao” in Mandarin. It’s also known as a Chinese cruller, or more commonly, Dau Chao Quay in Vietnam. This type of donut is savory rather than sweet, and its main ingredients usually include flour, yeast, sugar, salt and oil. 

What Is The Meaning Of Fried Dough Sticks?

Fried dough sticks refers to pastries that are made from a dough of wheat flour, yeast, sugar, and oil. These pastries may take various forms depending on the region, but they generally include elongated shapes such as twisted ropes or coils. They are then deep-fried in oil until crisp and golden-brown. Typical examples include the Chinese youtiao and the Vietnamese quẩy.