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Vietnamese Banana and Bread Cake – Banh Chuoi

Bánh Chuối, a traditional Vietnamese dish, is a delightful solution for overripe bananas that you couldn’t eat in time. Naturally, the central ingredient is bananas, with their inherent sweetness complemented by a delectable coconut milk sauce. This enticing combination forms a savory treat that beautifully embodies the innovative spirit of Vietnamese cuisine, turning potential waste …

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Vietnamese Caramelised Ginger Chicken – Ga Kho Gung

Ga Kho Gung, a classic Vietnamese ginger chicken side dish, is a testament to the rich culinary tradition of Vietnam. This dish features bite-sized pieces of chicken, which are meticulously braised and caramelized with generous amounts of ginger. The chicken is cooked in a sweet and savory fish-sauce-based sauce, an iconic component in Vietnamese cuisine, …

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