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Vietnamese Pork Mince Omelette

Chả trứng chiên, or Vietnamese Pork Mince Omelette, is a dish that encapsulates the essence of home-cooked comfort. This classic gastronomic delight is a delightful fusion of ground pork and whisked eggs, often seasoned with various spices. The ingredients are mixed together, then pan-fried to a golden perfection, resulting in a savory omelette that is crisp on the outside and tender on the inside. This dish is commonly served with a side of rice and a drizzle of soy sauce or fish sauce, offering a simple yet rich culinary experience that is sure to satisfy any palate.

The beauty of Chả trứng chiên lies not only in its flavor but also in its simplicity and nutrition. The ingredients are readily available and friendly to your wallet, making it an ideal dish for any day of the week. 

Despite its simplicity, it’s packed full of nutrients – the pork provides a good source of protein, while the eggs offer essential vitamins and minerals. Whether you’re a cooking novice or an experienced chef, this dish is a testament to the fact that delicious, nourishing meals don’t have to be complex or expensive.


  • 6 eggs 
  • 200gm ground pork 
  • 2 tablespoons fish sauce 
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • scallions, chopped
  • Pepper, salt to taste 
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil


  • Place the ground pork in a large bowl and crack the eggs into it. Add the fish sauce, chopped scallion, and salt and pepper to taste. Stir the mixture until everything is well combined.
  • Heat the cooking oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and sauté it until it turns slightly golden, releasing a fragrant aroma. Then pour the egg and pork mixture into the pan.
  • Keep the heat at medium to ensure even cooking of the omelette without burning the surface. After about 4-5 minutes, flip the omelette to cook the other side.
  • Once the omelette is well-cooked and golden brown on both sides, carefully transfer it to a serving plate. Now, it is ready to be enjoyed! Serve hot and possibly with a side of steamed rice, and savor this simple yet flavorful Vietnamese comfort dish.

Expert Tips

When making Chả trứng chiên, there are a few key tips to keep in mind to ensure culinary success. 

  • Be mindful of the amount of seasoning you use. Overseasoning can lead to an unpleasantly salty omelette. However, if you find your omelette a bit bland, you can always dip it in fish sauce or soy sauce to enhance the flavor. 
  • If your pan is small and can’t accommodate the entire mixture, don’t hesitate to divide it into several portions and cook them one at a time. Pouring in too much mixture could result in a thick omelette that doesn’t cook evenly and may burn on the surface.


While the traditional Chả trứng chiên is an absolute delight on its own, there’s always room for creativity in the kitchen. Here are a few variations you might want to try:

  • Vegetarian Option: Replace the ground pork with tofu or mushrooms for a vegetarian-friendly version of this dish. This alternative is as nutritious and flavorful as the original, ensuring that everyone can enjoy this Vietnamese classic.
  • Seafood Twist: Swap the pork with shrimp for a seafood twist on the traditional recipe. The sweet and tender flavors of the seafood pair wonderfully with the savory eggs and spices, creating a delightful variation of the dish.
  • Cheesy Chả trứng chiên: Sprinkle some shredded cheese on top of the omelette just before it’s fully cooked. The melted cheese adds an extra layer of richness and creaminess, providing a delicious contrast to the dish’s inherent savoriness.
  • Chicken or Processed Meats: You can also substitute the ground pork with chicken, sausage, or Spam for a different flavor. This variation provides a unique take on the traditional Chả trứng chiên, showing the versatility of this delightful dish.

Remember, cooking is an art, and you’re the artist. Feel free to experiment with different ingredients to suit your own tastes and dietary requirements. Enjoy this culinary journey as you explore the versatility of the humble Chả trứng chiên.

Storage and Reheating

Storing and reheating Chả trứng chiên properly can significantly extend its shelf life, allowing you to enjoy this delightful dish for several days. 

To store, let the omelette cool completely after cooking. Once cooled, transfer it into an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator. It can last for up to 3 to 4 days when refrigerated. 

For reheating, you can use either a microwave or a pan. If using a microwave, place the omelette on a microwave-safe dish, covering it lightly with a microwave-safe lid or wrap. Warm it up on medium power for 1-2 minutes. 

To reheat on a stove, warm a non-stick pan over medium heat and add the omelette. Cook it for a couple of minutes on each side until it’s heated through. 

Remember, reheat only the amount you plan to eat, as repeated heating can cause the dish to lose its flavor and texture.


Chả trứng chiên is a quintessential Vietnamese comfort dish that stands the test of time. Despite its simplicity, this savory omelette offers an array of flavors and textures – it’s tender on the inside and crisp on the outside, with a medley of aromas that tantalize your senses. Its ingredients are easily accessible, making it an ideal dish for any day of the week. And with its numerous variations and endless possibilities, this humble omelette will never cease to surprise you! 

No matter what the occasion is, Chả trứng chiên remains a classic that many generations have enjoyed and continue to enjoy. From your family kitchen to the local Vietnamese restaurants, this dish has something for everyone. 


Do You Add Milk Or Water To An Omelette?

Both milk and water can be added to an omelette, depending on the desired outcome. If you’re aiming for a lighter and fluffier omelette, adding a splash of water to the eggs is a good option. As the omelette cooks, the water turns to steam, puffing up the omelette. On the other hand, if you want a richer, creamier omelette, consider adding a splash of milk or cream. The dairy enhances the smooth, velvety texture of the eggs, giving the omelette a more luxurious feel.

Why Put Milk In An Omelette?

Adding milk to an omelette is a common technique used by many chefs. Milk helps the eggs become light and fluffy, resulting in an airy and creamy texture. The acidity of the milk also helps break down some of the egg proteins, further enhancing tenderness. 

Why Do You Put Butter In An Omelette?

Butter gives an omelette a rich flavor and creamy texture. Butter is also used to lubricate the pan, which prevents the omelette from sticking and ensures that it cooks evenly on all sides. Additionally, butter has a high smoke point, meaning it can be cooked at higher temperatures than other cooking oils without burning. This makes butter an ideal fat for omelettes and other egg dishes. 

How Many Eggs Are Needed For An Omelette?

The number of eggs you need for an omelette depends on the size and type of omelette, as well as who you’re serving. For a thin French-style omelette, two to three eggs are usually enough. For a thicker Japanese tamagoyaki, around four eggs should suffice. If you’re cooking for a larger group or want to make a heartier omelette, you can use up to five eggs. Ultimately, it’s up to you and how much omelette you want to make! 

Is 6 Eggs A Day Too Much?

For most healthy adults, consuming 1–2 eggs a day is deemed safe, depending on the cholesterol content of your overall diet. Eggs are a valuable source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. However, they also contain cholesterol, which can be an area of concern for some. It’s important to note that the impact of egg consumption on blood cholesterol is less significant than the influence of trans fats and saturated fats.